Spend more than five minutes on the internet and you will no doubt run into something pertaining to the cryptocurrency world. More than just a buzzword, cryptocurrency has become one of the most traded and acknowledged assets on the market. Hard to understand and even harder to truly trade without support, Online Trading Academy is aiming to lead the way in investor education so that newcomers to the field can take advantage while the iron is still hot.
Introducing Online Trading Academy
Online Trading Academy was established 25 years ago under the guidance of CEO Eyal Shahar. Originally founded during the rise of the dot-com bubble, Online Trading Academy was an opportunity taken by Eyal Shahar to connect with everyday investors who were just then getting their chance to make money on the markets.
While the Online Trading Academy is still focused on facilitating education for investors, they are also focused on making sure that everyone is prepared to enter the crypto space before they begin to lay down their money.
According to Shahar, today’s crypto space is reminiscent of the dot-com space of yesteryear. OTA Founder and CEO Shahar stated in an interview with Yahoo, “This feels a lot like the mid-90s.”
Discussing the lack of available information in the 90s, Shahar states, “They were unprepared. They didn’t have the skills and tools to trade responsibly. It’s no different today.”
Responsible Risk Management
There is something to be said about taking a risk while investing and there is something else entirely to be said about not preparing. Online Trading Academy has already secured its place as a world leader in the field of financial education and now they are focusing on spearheading digital information through a new course titled Digital Assets.
Aiming to pair investors with the knowledge they need for success in the digital sphere, Merlin Rothfeld, Senior Director of the Digital Assets program, hopes that something big is to come in the future. Rothfeld said, “Decentralized finance is like the beginning of the internet. It is exciting, but it can also be very risky.”
Pointing to a lack of general education surrounding digital assets, Rothfeld stated, “My greatest fear is that people are so excited, they have so much FOMO, that they’ll simply fly blind.”
Fortunately, Rothfeld and the Digital Assets program under OTA provide comprehensive information regarding cryptocurrency and other digital assets. The program teaches individuals the ins and outs of trading while helping them to better understand the investing and trading opportunities available to them.
Rothfeld says of his goal with Online Trading Academy’s Digital Assets division, “Whether I’m teaching options or crypto to someone who’s been investing for years or someone just getting started, my mission is always the same; giving people the tools to make smarter decisions.”